The Future of Corporate Education: Is Online Always Better?

An article by Brandon Busteed in Forbes suggests that corporate education is forever moving away from the classroom to a purely online format. As someone with 20 years of experience facilitating results-focused training workshops in Leadership, Management, and Sales, this premise gave me pause. However, after further contemplation, it’s clear that the question needs more nuanced consideration.

Online vs. In-Person Learning: One Size Doesn’t Fit All

While there’s no denying the convenience and scalability of online learning, especially accelerated by the COVID-19 pandemic, it’s crucial to ask if it serves all learners equally. How disciplined are online participants? Does virtual training foster interactive discussions or merely one-sided monologues? Most importantly, can online experiences replicate the sense of camaraderie and shared energy that face-to-face interactions bring? Instead of viewing online education as the ultimate solution, it should be considered as one of multiple options, supplementing rather than replacing traditional modes of learning.

The Challenges and Opportunities of the Virtual World

The rapid shift to online communication tools like Zoom has been a double-edged sword. On one hand, Zoom’s daily traffic soared by 535%, reflecting a seismic shift in how business communications are conducted. However, there’s a psychological toll to consider. Technophobia, or the fear of technology, affects over a third of the population, not to mention the energy drain caused by constant video conferencing. So, how can you excel in this new paradigm? The key lies in understanding the limitations of online interaction while developing skills to navigate its challenges successfully.

Questions to Consider About Your Online Presence

So, let’s ponder some final thoughts. How is your online persona being perceived? Will online training ever fully replace the unique advantages offered by in-person learning experiences? Could you benefit from a coaching session to enhance your online presentation skills?

For those looking to improve their online presentation competencies, we offer tailored coaching sessions designed to overcome the common fears and challenges associated with virtual communication.

Feel free to explore our approach further on our About page, and I’d love to hear your thoughts on this evolving landscape.

Phil Hook


Phil Hook, founder of Train4Results, brings over 25 years of experience in sales, management, and training to his role. Known for his innovative approach that challenges traditional norms, Phil specializes in creating engaging, high-impact learning experiences. His unique blend of motivational coaching and hands-on activities has made him a sought-after consultant in the UK and globally, committed to empowering individuals to reach their full potential.

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